Our Vision
Equipping Young Leaders to Change the World!

Our Story
Monster Education Foundation has its roots in the Chicago neighborhoods of Austin and Englewood...
While teaching in Austin for several years, Jenny Chang came to know students who exhibited strong character and drive in the face of inequity and adversity.
But their desire to learn was often overshadowed by limited availability of resources and Jenny saw these students' dreams start to fade.
Though tempted to give in to a sense of helplessness, Jenny instead channeled her frustration into change and sought to make an even greater impact...
Fourteen miles away, Kyu Choi had been starting business endeavors in Englewood.
After many years of working in the neighborhood, Kyu realized he wanted to give back to a community he had come to love. That's when he partnered with Jenny to do exactly that.
Together, Jenny and Kyu, along with other founding board members, Mike Chang and Gina Choi, founded MEF in 2013 with the desire to make a MONSTER IMPACT with the mission to:
Seek, identify, and equip young leaders of change to pursue higher education and make a lasting difference in the community.
Today, MEF has proved that it is Not. Just. Talk.
Since 2013, MEF has awarded over $100,000 in scholarships, and accepted thirty-six scholars. Of those thirty-six scholars, nine are currently enrolled in college, working towards their degrees, and well on their way towards achieving their dreams.

Not. Just. Talk.
"But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.
- 1 John 3:17-18 ESV
MEF is a Christian organization that desires to honor and serve our Lord, Jesus Christ with our actions.
Not just words.​