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Help our scholars reach $10,000 by the time they graduate!

When we first started in 2013, each scholar was able to earn scholarships just a few hundred dollars each year. Because of donors like you, we've grown! Now, we give our Monster Scholars opportunity to earn about $2000 each year! Multiply that by the 6.5 years each scholar spends in our program, now scholars can grow their scholarships to be about $10,000 by the time they graduate! 


Because we are a mostly volunteer-run organization, 100% of your donations are contributed to our scholars' college savings accounts and programming in underserved urban Chicago communities. Our wonderful board's giving covers all administrative expenses! Isn't that awesome?!


*Monster Education Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. EIN # 83-1880124. Every donation has an impact, and we are grateful for your help.

Other ways to donate

Donate via Zelle
Corporate matching

Many employers will match your gift to MEF as part of their corporate policy. Does yours?


Before submitting your gift, find out if the impact of your donation can be even greater!

Please inquire directly with your company to learn what steps to take to have them match your donation.

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